Thursday, December 17, 2009

had a great time catching up with my GSS exchange friends. haven't seem some of them for ages. was glad & surprised at the turnout rate. we had 9 or 10! :D dinner at shokudo & a short drinking session at the lounge of a hotel. don't ask me where, I saw something scribbled like 'Equinox' before we went in, I was just following them :P

so, handling work alone has been taxing. maybe it was becos I was trying to work from home, and juggling my personal engagements + work. tried to kick up a fuss ytd when I had to go Vivo to help Jer collect sth for the dinner on Fri. I was carrying so much stuff & I had to make an extra trip back home, then out again to meet my friends. heh. but aiya, kick up a fuss a while only la I know the limits :P

but some people don't. my blood boiled today after this stupid IT consultancy boss tested my limits for the upmteen time. I did him many favours, by going out of my way to add him on MSN (I don't add people from work to my list & I don't want to start the chain by creating new account for work) when he was in China. he had first abused it by msging me on work on a Sunday night. being up doesn't mean he can cross the line. and not once had I heard a word of thks from him for everything I had done for him b4. writing his proposals for his clients & helping reply officers' emails.

today he made me come back to the office to do him another favour. and he only told me he's not coming back cos he's stuck elsewhere. the thing is, we arranged this since ytd and it was to put his stupid 3 chairs in our office cos they are shifting office. why didn't it occur to him to tell me so I don't nd to make the trip, and when he knows I am out at a site?

what's more. he couldn't even apologise. and he kept bugging me if I'm coming back to the office so he could put the chairs there. until I was super pissed and told him straight that he should have told me and it occurred to him to say sorry. of cos I didn't tell him I'm going back. so not going to do it for him. GOD! if my boss wasn't away on holiday & I didn't want to spoil another person's day I would msg him straight.

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